How to fix green pool water

How to fix a green pool? This is the number one complaint/question from pool owners which can be an easy fix if you get onto it quickly.

To treat your pool, you will need to use both an algaecide; a product specially designed to treat the algae present in your pool (plus prevent future growth), as well as a shock dose of a sanitiser such as chlorine.

Follow our advice below or contact us to work out which treatment & products are best suited for your pool.

Firstly, skim and vacuum your pool to remove as much debris as possible. Leaves and other debris break down into organic waste, which the algae then feeds on. The more organic waste you can remove now, the less ‘work’ the chlorine has to do, and the less chlorine you will have to add later.


Once you’ve done that, you can test and then treat your pool water. We recommend bringing in a sample to us before adding any chemicals.

*TIP: Don’t add any chemicals before you take your water sample, this will give us a baseline reading to adjust from. It takes any guesswork out of the equation and ensures you don’t waste any chemicals.

The next step is to treat your pool. The most effective way to rid your pool of algae is to do a shock treatment and add algaecide.

As a guide, we recommend using BioGuard Burn Out Extreme as the shock treatment, in conjunction with BioGuard MSA Extreme as the algaecide.

Assess your pool

Assess the amount of shock treatment and algaecide required based on your pool’s colour using the guide below.

Light green:

If you can easily see the bottom of the pool though just notice a slight ‘green tinge’ to the pool water. This indicates the beginning stages of an algae outbreak. You will need to add one bag of BioGuard Burn Out Extreme to every 50,000L of pool water + the required dose of the recommended algaecide.

Green or dark green:

The bottom of the pool is hard to see, though you can still see the steps. This typically indicates a heavy level of algae in the water and will require double the shock treatment. To do this, you will need two treatments of BioGuard Burn Out Extreme to every 50,000L of pool water + the required dose of the recommended algaecide.

Black-green water:

You cant see the steps. This signifies an extreme level of algae in the water, and at this stage, you will need professional help.


You will need to run your pool filter and pump continually during the treatment. The longer you are able to run your pump and filter the sooner your pool will return to its sparkling best.

Regular brushing during treatment is critical for every algae problem, as it greatly improves chemical efficiency in killing algae spores.

Is your water going cloudy after treatment?

Don’t worry, this is totally normal! The goal of the shock treatment is to kill algae (which turns it grey/white) which then makes your water look cloudy. The cloudiness will filter out, however, we suggest adding a clarifier to help speed up the process.

Simply add a BioGuard Super Clear Clarifying Tab™ to clear away cloudiness and get your pool sparkling again!

We believe that prevention is better than cure. To prevent algae growth in the first place, we recommend adding a BioGuard Algaecide to your pool water once a week.